Wood Flooring Gyms

Planning to build an indoor sports facility?

The leading Sports Construction Company

We have installed gym flooring across Texas, from school gyms, home gyms, commercial gyms, and recreation centers. We are the perfect choice for your gymnasium and gym flooring project.

Our flooring surface provides an excellent surface as alternative to traditional wood floors. You won’t need to worry about re-surfacing a wood floor every year with our application.

First thing that comes to mind is cost, depends also on whether it’s a multipurpose/basketball gym with court. However do not worry about the price at the start, you’ll get the most honest quote from us. We will take care of the whole gym setup, including design, commercial gym flooring, floor covers, carpeting, lighting, fixtures etc. Build backyard or indoors jungle gym or outdoors for kids.

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Only one brand provides both lateral shock absorption with a high gloss urethane coating for great traction under foot. That brand is Sport Court®. And, the product is Response High Gloss. Only Sport Court® Response HG system provides both vertical and lateral shock absorption when placed directly over a concrete subfloor.

SAFE. Every Sport Court flooring system is thoughtfully engineered with integrated Lateral Forgiveness™, and extensively tested to ensure youth and adults alike are safe while learning, practicing and competing on our surfaces.

RT. Sport Court flooring systems offer the unbeatable combination of reduced upfront construction costs with the incredibly low cost of ownership to ensure your budget dollars reach their maximum potential.

By design, Sport Court modular flooring systems can be installed in a fraction of the time of other sports surfaces with little or no construction, allowing complete gym retrofits and renovations in just a few days.

Every Sport Court flooring system is scratch resistant, moisture resistant, inherently antimicrobial and backed by a 15-year warranty. More importantly, our premium sports performance and safety are trusted by the NCAA®, FIVB, USAV and FIBA.

Why Sport Court® is the Best Option for Your Gym

Sport Court® gym flooring is a technological upgrade from traditional hardwood gym flooring with proven safety benefits, lower install price, longer life span, and lower life cycle costs.

Whether you need a gym floor for 5 year olds or 85 year olds, Sport Court® has always been and will always be “The Safest Gym Floor in the World”™.

Contact South Texas Sport Court to learn about the benefits of Sport Court® gym flooring.

Contact Us

Sportscapers Construction Inc. is an Athletic Design Firm that specializes in creating and constructing athletic facilities for commercial and residential clients. The leading sports construction company in Houston Texas.

Phone: (281) 213-3311
Email: [email protected]
1614 Center St, Houston, TX 77007

Sport Court Houston